Burlington: 905-681-1488
Halton Hills/Milton: 905-877-1211
Hamilton: 905-561-5800
Oakville: 905-849-4541
Volunteer Application
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Distress Centre Halton. The application below can take up to 20 minutes to complete. Please have two references ready before you begin.
For the best experience, we recommend completing the form using a laptop, desktop or tablet. You might not be able to come back to your application if it is started on a smart phone.
Please login by creating a unique password. You can re-enter any time from this page with this password should you want to finish at a later time. Keep this password safe, as it can't be recovered if you lose it.
Your data is saved by clicking the continue button at the bottom of each page.
All applications will be reviewed; however, not all applicants will be invited to take the next step in the selection process.​